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What Women Need to know: The Man's Point of View

  • Do take the initiative instead of expecting him to always be the aggressor.

  • DO loosen up your inhibitions.

  • DO think of dating as fun without weighing it down with overly heavy emotional complications.

  • DO let him withdraw once in awhile; understand his need to be alone, to take things slowly, or to have a night out with the guys.

  • DO accept him without judgment.

  • DON'T expect him to profess his love for you so soon.

  • DON'T push him into a commitment or an exclusive relationship.

  • DON'T snoop.

  • DON'T nag him into talking about his feelings.

  • DON'T take everything personally.

  • DON'T compare him to other lovers (unless it's to tell him he's the best).

  • DON'T badmouth him to your girlfriends.

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