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"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." (Winston Churchill)

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Do you indulge in negative thinking? Are you constantly dumping on yourself and imagining the bleakest future possible? Right this minute, make a commitment to stop it! Replace self-dumping with self-pumping and images of a bright future -- one where you really dig yourself. What happens when you constantly imagine the worst, and put yourself down in front of other people? As my mother always warned, what you say will come true, and everyone around you will believe either the complimentary or derogatory things you say about yourself. So you might as well fill your own, and others' thoughts, with positive images. Practice these affirmations -- after awhile, the sentiments will come naturally.

  • Embrace Your Individuality
    Embrace Your Individuality

  • Give Your Permission To Like Yourself
    Give Your Permission To Like Yourself

  • Exercises To Help You Build Self-Esteem
    Exercises To Help You Build Self-Esteem

  • What May Be Working Against You
    What May Be Working Against You

  • Why Can't I Get a Date?
    Why Can't I Get a Date?

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