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Here are tips and advice on how to be a great kisser so your kisses are unforgettable!

Whether you've never had your first kiss or have kissed and been kissed a million times before, you'll find out:
• How to make that first kiss special!
• How to hold that special someone when you're kissing!
• Special kisses (tips and advice)
• French kissing -- how to do it right!

Note: Since it's awkward to keep saying "him or her" we're assuming you're a girl and we're calling the person you're kissing "him" No offense intended, guys!

  • How to handle your first kiss . . .
  • What to do if you bang teeth ...
  • How to kiss passionately ...
  • What to avoid ...
  • How to tell if he wants to kiss you!
  • How to kiss shyness goodbye!
  • Spin the bottle
  • How to get him to kiss you
  • How to kiss
  • French kissing (or Frenching)
  • Kissing with glasses or braces
  • Kissing do's and dont's
  • Kissing and s-e-x
  • Kissing and health

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