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 What to wear

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What to wear

As the saying goes, "Clothes make the man." It's not as materialistic as it sounds though; put simply, this means, how you dress can say a lot about you. Think about what your clothes reveal about your personality as you decide what to wear on your first date. Keep these considerations in mind when choosing your outfit:

  • What impression do you want to make? Do you want to look professional and conservative, casual yet savvy, or cool and hip?

  • Dress appropriately for the occasion. You would not want to wear high heels if you are going for a long walk in the park. And you might not want to dress in too-revealing clothes if you're going to a cocktail party with business associates.

  • Of course, you want to express yourself in your clothing style, but you also want to please and impress your date, and make him feel comfortable. For example, when Paula planned her first date with Rich, she remembered how much he likes motorcycles, so she wore her black leather jacket and high buckle boots -- ad she was a hit. When Sarah met Stephen, he was wearing gray slacks and a blue blazer, so for their first date she dressed in an equality conservative outfit: white shirt, black shirt, blue shirt, and black pumps.
  • You can never go wrong in dressing for your date with the KISS rule: Keep it simple. For guys, black jeans and a simple black T-shirt are an easy choice. Take a jacket that can double as a dress jacket. If you're more into fashion, wear a plain or simple-patterned shirt (button-down collars are back in).

  • Be comfortable. There's nothing worse than having to keep sucking in your stomach because waistband is too tight, or not being able to sit down because your pants creep into your crotch.

You can always check magazines to see what is fashionable, but do it to expand your ideas and choices, not just to copy-cat. Be free in choosing items that show off who you are, even if they don't follow the latest fashions.

Footwear is often the most overlooked. Dirty shoes or sneakers are definitely a no-no. A simple pair of boots (Doc Martens, for instance) always works these days. While chunky platform shoes are also fashionable -- depending on where you go -- you might want to purposefully try different shoes to see what fist your look and feels comfortable on your feet (in case you end up taking some romantic walk .. or have to walk home!).

Also, don't forget choices about underwear. Even though you (probably!) won't be showing them, they will make a difference in how you feel about yourself. Something new that makes you feel sexy is the best choice: Imagine what you'd want to be wearing if they were going to be seen. Sammy wore Tommy Hilfiger gray boxers  for his first date with Jenine. Beth chose her favorite satin bikini underwear: white with red hearts. How you feel intimately inside will affect how you project confidence and intimacy.

Another thing: Don't forget your smell. Smell is important in attraction. You can go au natural, or you can pick a fragrance that is your favorite. For instance, "Tommy" is in for men as well as women. Other favorites include Calvin Klein's many varieties. Choose the one that works for your body, as each fragrance interacts with body chemistry individually.

Jewelry is also an expression of you. Moreover, it draws attention to parts of you and makes for easy conversation pieces (where you got it, what it means to you, how much you like it). Fashion experts advise that you should never wear more than three pieces of jewelry, and fashion magazines may dictate more rules (such as, no earrings if you wear a necklace), but I believe you should let yourself go and adorn yourself in any way that makes you feel comfortable.


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