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"In the confusion we stay with each other, happy to be together, speaking without uttering a single word." (Walt Whitman)

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"My boyfriend told me he loved me," Denise wailed, "so how can he turn around the next week and say he needs his space?" Easy. He meant he cared at one moment, but that didn't mean it would last forever. While it's never easy, and always disappointing, you must learn to move on when love ends for your lover but not for you.

The first and most important question you should ask yourself after a rejection is: "Why waste myself on someone who doesn't want me?"

And if you are the one initiating the breakup, why waste time and energy for both of you? If you thought you were wild about someone, but are now having doubts, what do you do? What's the best way of disentangling yourself, while being both firm and kind?

  • Deciding to Break Up
    Deciding to Break Up

  • Letting Go: The 18 Steps
    Letting Go: The 18 Steps

  • Excuses: Holding On When You Know You Should Let Go
    Excuses: Holding On When You Know You Should Let Go

  • Reading the Warning Signs
    Reading the Warning Signs

  • Be Prepared
    Be Prepared

  • When You Are the One to End It
    When You Are the One to End It

  • Dealing with Rejection: The Nine Phases
    Dealing with Rejection: The Nine Phases

  • When Your Ex Refuses to Get the Message
    When Your Ex Refuses to Get the Message

  • No Subcategories Found


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