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 How Can You Tell if Someone Just wants sex?

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How Can You Tell if Someone Just wants sex?

Until now, women still complain that men treat them as sex objects. So now let's consider how you can tell if someone likes you for who you are or is interested in just one thing -- sex? Put him to the test: If you hold off on sex, what is his reaction? If he disappears, you know his intentions. If he sticks around, talk about your fears of being wanted only for sex, how having sex changed the relationship for you, and how you need to know you're cared for. Spell out the qualities that you value: Listening, giving, and communicating.

Be wary of dates who:

  • Plant persistent sexual innuendoes in the conversation.
  • Don't seem to listen
  • Have no history of long-term relationships.
  • Make no or rare references to the future (phone calls or dates).
  • Feed you challenging lines such as "You're the only girl I ever felt anything for" or "You could be the one to finally make me change my ways."
  • Only call at the last minute or in the middle of the night.
  • Agree to meetings only on their terms or at their request.
  • Leave you feeling used, empty, or frustrated.


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